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well why don't u try it and let us all know how u get on lol

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Q: Is it legal to bring marijuana on an airplane?
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Can you get a legal prescription for marijuana in Texas?

no you can not bring marijuana to Texas i know bummer but its true people don't get out there and vote for it to be legal

Is marijuana in food on airplane?

yes they put small amounts in tea, salad, and other plant like foods. If, with your atrocious grammar, you are trying to ask "Is having marijuana in food and bringing it on an airplane legal?" then no, it is not legal. If you have it cooked into food that just looks like normal food, then they are not going to catch you. I'd say its doable.

Can you bring pipes on an airplane?

A tobacco pipe that's clean, and the tobacco separate , yes. A marijuana pipe would be considered paraphanalia. Major no-no .

Is marijuana legal in Lithuania?

Industrial marijuana is legal. Marijuana, that can be used for intoxication purposes, is illegal.

Is marijuana is legal in medical use?

Medical marijuana is legal with a prescription from your doctor.

Is marijuana legal in Australia?

Marijuana is not legal in Australia, and driving under the influence of marijuana carries severe penalties.

Is marijuana legal in Thailand?

No it is not legal

Is bringing marijuana on a airplane a federal offense?


Is marijuana legal in Iowa?

Marijuana is not legal in any state but California so far.

Legal buds is it real marijuana or is it fake marijuana?

it is legal and alot more stronger.

Is it legal to import kindereggs into the US?

Yes. Do not bother trying to ship them in or bring them in via airplane/luggage. They will be confiscated either way.

Is Marijuana legal in Panama?

marijuana is legal NO WHERE but its highly tolerable like Jamaica or Amsterdam but you can get a prescription