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No, but it was illegal for you to have sexual intercourse before the age of consent. The father could be arrested and charged for rape. The authorities will be asking a lot of questions when they find out.

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Q: Is it illegal for you to be 13 and have a baby?
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Is it against the law for a 13 year old girl to have a baby?

No but the sex to create that baby is illegal.

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No its not illegal! age ain't nothing but a number, the only problem is your age.. 13 might be to young to get married.

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It's not illegal to find out the sex of your baby but in some countries it's illegal to have an abortion based on the gender of the baby. Discrimination because of the sex is illegal in many countries.

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Yes it is in SA illegal to own a bush baby

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Generally it is illegal to rape a 12 or 13 year old.

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It is not illegal to have a baby at fifteen in Pennsylvania. It is however illegal to engage in the sexual contact necessary to produce a baby while the mother or father are below the age of eighteen.

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not the mother nor the baby

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Well the baby is a U.S. Citizen and since the baby is a U.S. Citizen, in time the "illegal immigrant" may be able to get a green card and first of all an illegal immigrant isn't illegal if they have a visa, except if they were living and working in the U.S on a tourist visa,