There is a theory that after a miscarriage some women conceive but this hasn't been proven to my knowledge.
A miscarriage should not prevent you from becoming pregnant again.
There are no ill effects from using a tampon for bleeding from miscarriage, whether or not you knew you were pregnant. You can use tampons or pads for this bleeding. If bleeding is extremely heavy, pads may be easier.
Not knowing and not being pregnant are completely different things. If you are pregnant, whether you are aware of it or not, you can have a miscarriage. If you are not pregnant then you cannot.
You can't have a miscarriage if you are not pregnant
No you can't get pregnant while slighty bleeding fro a miscarriage!
yes you can get pregnant again if that is what you mean.
Does 5 month pregnant woman take medicine for miscarriage?
Same way you did before. About 1/4 women have a miscarriage and there are usually no problems getting pregnant afterwards.
yes,miscarriage is a great risk of a 3 week pregnant woman.
You can have a miscarriage through out the pregnancy for different reasons.
Yes you can have two miscarriages in a row
Yes you can.