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Not knowing and not being pregnant are completely different things.

If you are pregnant, whether you are aware of it or not, you can have a miscarriage.

If you are not pregnant then you cannot.

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Q: Can you have a miscarriage if you didn't know you were pregnant?
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How should I tell my Fiance that I was pregnant and had a miscarriage when I didnt know I was pregnant until the miscarriage and I am scared he will be disapointed?

BUt it isn't your fault. he should be able to understand

What if you have a miscarriage and didnt know but got pregnant again?

Then you would have a new pregnancy. If you feel that this has happened or if you are having any bleeding during pregnancy you should contact your Dr right away.

How can you tell if you had a miscarriage a year ago if you didn't know if you were pregnant or not?

You can not.

After sex you bleed alot but didnt see any tissues was that a miscarriage?

Depends - are you pregnant? If so how far along are you?I'd go see a doctor, only way to know for sure (and prevent any possible complications).But no, sex generally can't cause a miscarriage.

Don't know if I'm pregnant but having symptoms of miscarriage i know i possibally could be pregnant?

i suggest you go to the doctor.

Can you get pregnant after long years of miscarriage but didnt have D and C treatment?

The D&C is not a must after a miscarriage. It's only if there are remains left inside so you should have no problem apart from the one you already have.

May have had a miscarriage you passed tissue but you did not save it and didnt think anything of it until you just started your period again i had no other signs or symptoms of a miscarriage?

Were you diagnosed as pregnant? If you were in fact pregnant and now started you period again you "did" have a miscarriage. In the early stages of pregnancy a miscarriage is not always going to have any major symptioms. Discharging tissue could be something else if you weren't pregnant. I would see a doctor if you continue to have such discharge in the future.

If you have had a miscarriage should you tell the one that got you pregnant if he didnt even know you were pregnant in the first place?

I posted this question. And it sounds really bad. But I didnt even know I was pregnant. I had thoughts and knew there were possibilities and I was having symptoms but wasnt for sure. Then my friend (She had just had a baby) said that what I was going thru was prolly a miscarriage. I didnt even know if I was for sure or not. I wasnt going to tell the guy that got me in this that I was if I wasnt. It would have started too much drama. If I was then I was going to for sure tell him. But anyways ...... please help me with this question!! This is really a question only you can answer. My feeling is that if you are not even sure it was a miscarriage not to tell anyone. You have a good friend who you can talk to so you don't have to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. If you are convinced it WAS a miscarriage and he is a steady boyfriend you probably need to tell him as your worry about getting pregnant (again) is going to change your attitude to him. If he is not a steady boyfriend I would say don't tell him, more from what he might say to HIS friends and how far the 'story' might go than for any other reason. Hope this helps

How can you tell if you had a miscarriage and not know you were about 3 weeks pregnant?

You know that you've had a miscarriage when you're screaming in pain and a dead bloody fetus comes out of your vagina. And you can be three months pregnant and not realize it without a test depending on your body weight

What are chances of getting pregnant after a miscarriage?

A miscarriage should not prevent you from becoming pregnant again.

How far along pregnant do you have to be for you to have a miscarriage?

You can miscarry before you even know your pregnant and just think it's a late period

How does Bella's dad feel about her being pregnant?

he didnt know