Yes. You could get a scratch in your belly button. Your belly button could get infected. Your belly button could bleed. If your belly button get infected you have to clean it with hydrogen peroxide rubbing alcohol iodine or antiseptic cream. If it doesn't heal after a week you have to see a doctor at the clinic or hospital.
no it is dangerous
No time. Getting your belly button peirced is very dangerous. You can get all kinds of infections.
Its not dangerous but you shouldn't do anything that you can't spell.
He was rumored to not have a belly button.
Umbilical Hernia. Not particularly dangerous, but get it checked out. You'll experience soreness and tenderness around the belly button area, and it's possible your belly button might swell and protrude a little. Usually results from injury or impact to the area.
Out Belly Button
It may be infected or have moisture in it. Make sure after you get out of the shower to dry it good. Also, if it keeps doing this, get a Q-tip and out some peroxide on it. Wipe the inside of your belly button out and also along the edges of the outside.
A belly button ring is a body piercing placed in a cauterized area of the belly button.
My belly button is located in the center of my abdomen.
le nombril is the name for the belly button in French.
There is no such thing as belly button dandfruff, you probably just need to clean the inside of your belly button.