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it is not bad not is not healthy at all :/

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Q: Is it bad to be anorexic?
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When foods smells bad but its not are you becoming anorexic?

No, not really.

What is an anorexic?

An anorexic is a person who suffers from anorexia.

Is it bad to want to be anorexic?

Yes its bad to be anorexic this disease can kill you or very much ruin you. trust me i collapsed in gym one day because i wouldn't eat and if i did i spit it back out. i went through counseling im better now but id never go back to that. people die from anorexia!

I am 5.8 and 7.6 am I under weight because I want to lose more weight because I want to be like anorexic?

I will get down to the point and tell you firmly....DO NOT BE LIKE AN ANOREXIC!If you do, in while you might get more into it and have the eating disorder itself....It's completely pathetic saying you want to be anorexic. I would much rather be a comfy size 10 then an ultra skinny 0, because to be honest, anorexic people look really bad.

Should you become anorexic?

No, anorexia is very bad for you. Never do that to yourself if someone doesn't like you because of your body they are not right for you.

What is the worst that could happen if you are anorexic?

In simple words, death. From starvation or infection (your immune system crashes pretty bad).

How did Mary Kate get so thin?

she is anorexic. she is anorexic.

How do sims become anorexic?

They can't become anorexic.

How can you be a good anorexic?

That can't really be possible. You have to not be anorexic anymore.

Is Taylor Swift anorexic in 2014?

No, Taylor Swift is not anorexic

Is there more anorexic women than anorexic men?


Is Angela Bettis anorexic?

No,Angie is not anorexic although she played an anorexic teen in Girl,Interrupted which is what spawned rumours that she might be