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It is OK to date anyone you like, as long as you are an independent adult, or your parents permit.

Going beyond dating into sexual activity is another matter. Cultures differ in how distant a relationship is required for sexual activity between adults to be acceptable. No modern cultures accept sex between siblings, but some accept sex between first cousins, and almost all accept it between second cousins.

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Q: Is it OK to date a cousin onced removed?
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i think so i dont but i think it is ok

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Why not? Franklin Roosevelt did, and he married her. He seems to have turned out ok. Eleanor was a cousin, far enough removed so that there was no obstacle.

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2nd cousin, once removed. The key is finding the common ancestor. Your great-grandparents were her great-great-grandparents. Your father's cousin is your cousin once removed (since these is one generational gap). His/her children are your 2nd cousins (with no 'removed' since they're your generation), and their children are your 2nd cousins once removed. As for dating, that's up to you and her, and how you both feel about the closeness of this blood relation. It's perfectly legal, if that's your worry.

Is it ok to date your friends cousin but you never met the cousin before and he lives in a different state?

It sounds completely ok to me. I mean, why not? Life is too short, so make the best of it :)

What relation to you is your first cousin's offspring?

If there were such a thing as a foster cousin, your first cousin's foster cousin would not be related to you. However, if your family is a close one, you may find that person being treated as a member of the family, a cousin, and that is OK.

Is dating your dad's first cousin ok?

It is OK to date anyone you want. Being sexually involved with a first cousin once removed, or making a family, will be an issue for some people but OK with others. You need to understand how your family and community feel about this.

Is it ok to like your cousin?

Not really. Your cousin is family.

Is it wrong to date your third cousin once removed?

I don't think its wrong. If it's your first or second then definetly not. But third is okay