that makes no sense!!!
If you like your cousins girlfriends kid then i think its okay since its not your cousin but you may want to discuss it with your cousin and his girlfriend first.
It is OK to like your cousin. Your cousin is a relative and most people think liking your relatives is a good thing.
You can date anyone you like.
just tell ur best-friend that u like there cousin and see what they say if its ok then try to get with him
that is ok...
It is okay to have a crush on your cousin but it is a little awkward to be in love/have a crush on your 1st or 2nd cousin in my opinion
i think so i dont but i think it is ok
It is legal in most places to marry your second cousin once removed. Whether it is OK to ask that cousin to marry you depends on how you family and community respond to such things.
Jasmine smith ok!
Yes, it is legal.