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Its not illegal. Its simply up to your parents. Cross your fingers.

While dating is not subject to any laws, no parent in their right minds would allow an 11 year old to go out with a 16 year old. There are laws against sexual contact and this would be totally illegal and would be a felony in all states and most countries. There is only one reason a 16 year old would consider taking out an 11 year old and could land the 16 year old in jail for a long time!

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Yes, it is illegal for a 16 year old to date an 11 year old as it can be classified as statutory rape or sexual abuse due to the age difference and laws protecting minors from exploitation. Additionally, an 11 year old is not at the legal age of consent to engage in a romantic relationship.

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Is it illegal for a 11 year old to date a 17 year old?

Yes, it is illegal for a 11 year old to date a 17 year old. In most places, there are age of consent laws that specify the minimum age for engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship. The age gap between an 11 year old and a 17 year old is considered inappropriate and potentially harmful due to the developmental differences between the two individuals.

Is it illegal to go with someone 3 or 4 years old than you if your 11?

It is typically illegal for an 11-year-old to be in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone who is 3-4 years older due to age of consent laws. It is important to wait until both individuals are of legal age to avoid potential legal consequences.

Can a 11 year old date an 18 year old?

It is not legally permissible for an 11 year old to date an 18 year old as there are laws in place to protect minors from potential exploitation. It is important to consider the significant age difference and potential power dynamics at play in such relationships. It is important for individuals to date within an appropriate age range to ensure healthy and safe relationships.

Is a 5 year difference illegal?

In most places, a 5-year age difference is not illegal. However, the legality of relationships depends on the age of consent laws in your location. It's important to know the legal age of consent in your area to ensure compliance with the law.

Is it illegal for an adult to flip off a 11 year old?

While it may not be illegal to show someone the middle finger, flipping off an 11-year-old can be considered inappropriate behavior and could be seen as verbal or emotional abuse towards a minor. It can also set a negative example for appropriate social interactions.

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Is it illegal for an 11 year old to date an 18 YEAR OLD?

are you crazy? yes, it's illegal in all stastes.

Can a 11 year old date AJ Lee?

No, that would be HIGHLY illegal.

Would Vanessa Morgan date a 11 year old girl?

No. That would be illegal.

Will you date 11 year old boy?

im pretty sure that's illegal if you are 39

Would scotty mccreery date an 11 year old?

No he would not. It is ILLEGAL and he would not be dumb enough to date a child you has not even reached puberty yet. If he dated an 11 year old it would be as if he were babysitting them.

Is it illegal for a 11 year old to date a 15 year old?

Nope, But i highly recommend that you don't, they might leave you for someone their own age

Is it illegal for a 11 year old to date a 17 year old?

Yes, it is illegal for a 11 year old to date a 17 year old. In most places, there are age of consent laws that specify the minimum age for engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship. The age gap between an 11 year old and a 17 year old is considered inappropriate and potentially harmful due to the developmental differences between the two individuals.

Can a 9 year old date a 11 year old?

Yes, this is possible, it's not of illegal age for the both of them just make sure to talk to parents about this.

Is it wrong to date a 19 year old if you are 11 years old?

It is not only wrong, it is illegal. In fact, in most parts of the world, an 11 year old is still considered a child. A 19 year old is much too old to be romantically involved with an 11 year old, and they should know better even if the 11 year old doesn't.

Should a 15 year old boy date a 11 year old boy?

It's not illegal but as a parent I would not let my 11yo to date a 15 who is more mature than my 11yo. They are on different levels.

Can a 11 year old date another 11 year old?

of course!

Would Niall date a girl who's 11 years old?

No, due to his age, a relationship with an 11 year old would raise ethical questions and be illegal in many places.