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If you're talking about being 18 and liking a 13 year old that's illegal, but if you're talking about being a 16 year old and liking an 11 is not illegal. I just wouldn't consider it.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

In most places, a 5-year age difference is not illegal. However, the legality of relationships depends on the age of consent laws in your location. It's important to know the legal age of consent in your area to ensure compliance with the law.

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Is it illegal for a thirteen year old boy to date a nineteen year old girl?

Yes, it is illegal for a thirteen year old boy to date a nineteen year old girl. In most places, there are laws that prohibit sexual relationships between individuals with a significant age difference, especially when one party is a minor. It's important to prioritize the safety and well-being of minors in such situations.

Is illegal for a 16 year old to date a 12 year old?

It is illegal for an adult to engage in a romantic or sexual relationship with a minor, regardless of the age difference. However, laws regarding relationships between minors can vary by jurisdiction. It is advisable to seek legal advice to understand the specific laws in your area.

Is it illegal for a 21 year old to date a 15 year old in America?

Yes, in most states in America, it is illegal for a 21-year-old to date a 15-year-old due to the significant age difference and potential legal issues related to consent and statutory rape. It is important to be aware of the age of consent laws in your state to avoid any legal repercussions.

Is it illegal to date someone 15 when your 19?

Laws regarding the age of consent vary by location, but in many places, a four-year age difference between a 15-year-old and a 19-year-old could be considered illegal, as the 19-year-old is typically considered an adult while the 15-year-old is still a minor. It's important to check the specific laws in your jurisdiction to understand what is allowed and what is not.

Is it illegal for a 9 year old girl to date a 14 year old boy in Louisiana?

Yes, in Louisiana, the age of consent is 17, so it would be illegal for a 9-year-old girl to date a 14-year-old boy as it can be considered statutory rape. Louisiana law prohibits sexual activity between individuals with a significant age difference.

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Is it illegal for a 16 year old girl to be togather with a 21 year old man?

It depends on the laws in the state in question. With around 5 years age difference it is a likely to be in issue in many places.

Is it legal for a 17 year old boy to date a 13 year old girl in PA?

It's not illegal to date somebody no matter what the age difference is. However it is illegal to have underage sex and her parents might not be so happy about the five year age difference (especially since she is only thirteen). So basically; it's not illegal but not advisable either.

Is it illegal for a 38 year old to ask to kiss a 15 year old?

It's not illegal to date or kiss. It is, however, illegal for a sexual relationship to develop. The rules for the age difference allowed between adults and minors vary by state, but usually, it's no more than 5 years apart.Kissing a minor below the age of consent is illegal in some states where the law says a kiss is a sexual act. It is not however illegal to ask for one.

Is a 12 year old dating a 19 year old illegal?

It is not illegal, but it is a bad idea. The 19 year old could ruin their life if there is even a hint at sexual contact. There is much too much of an age difference.

How is homosexuality in Cameroon after ratification of maputo protocol?

Homosexuality is illegal in Cameroon and carries a 5 year prison sentence and a fine of up to 20,000 Francs.Homosexuality is illegal in Cameroon and carries a 5 year prison sentence and a fine of up to 20,000 Francs.

Is it illegal for a 13 year old to date a 18 year old with parental consent?

yes it is illegal because it is dangerous.. and cause he is 5 years older than you

In California is it illegal for an 18 year old male to date a 16 year old female?

No as long as there is no more than a four year age difference.

Can a 5 year old and 10 year old date?

No it is not accepted. That age relationship is illegal in a lot of countries.

Are there legal issues with a 18 year old female dating a 15 year old male in Florida?

no, its only illegal when its 4years of age difference.

Would it be illegal if a kid who was almost 18 went out with a kid that was 4 or 5 years younger than this person?

Yes. About 4 years is Gilligan. Most people do 0-3 year difference because of this.

Can a 15 year old have a 17 year old boyfriend?

Absolutly! But depending if there is more than 24 months age difference, its illegal to have sex with eachother.