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Increase in appetite does not indicate you are pregnant on it's own without any other symptoms. It it a symptom though. Because of this I recommend you perform a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after having intercourse.

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Q: Is eating a lot a sign of being pregnant?
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If you are eating a lot does that mean you are pregnant?

No. If you are pregnant you may eat a lot, but it is not a sign of pregnancy, it is a sign of hunger and/or greed.

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Your boyfriends eating and sleeping habits have no bearing on whether you are pregnant.

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The week before a period, being pregnant or using oral contraceptives are associated with increased discharge.

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Yes there is a very good chance that she is vpregnant.

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No as a mater of fact a lot of spicy foods are quite good for you.

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This is a sign that your dog is in heat.

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you can tell when someone is prego because they will be eating a lot, peeing a lot, vomiting, and having very bad mood swings.

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