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Sometimes it is but not necessarily. Could be that you are suffering from a UTI or something else, better see your gynaecologist and find out if its too painful.

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Q: Is cramps on the right side of your lower stomach a sign of pregnancy?
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Why do i have Heavy sore breast tingling nipples bad cramps on left and right side of lower stomach what could these symptoms be?

You might be pregnant - take a test

Is a starp pain in your lower right side of your stomach a sign of pregnancy?

A sharp pain to the right side of your bellybutton, accompanied by fever or nausea and vomiting could indicate appendicitis. Lower right or left side pain sometimes indicates ovulations. Generally not so much pregnancy.

You have some cramps down there and lower back pain. You all right had your period does it mean that you could be pregnant?

None of the symptoms you mentioned are signs of pregnancy. If it continues or is severe, see a doctor.

If I have veins on right side of lower stomach what organ is under there?

The pancreas is right under the stomach. The pancreas is right under the stomach.

What is the sympton of pregnancy?

First sign of pregnancy would be delayed periods. However, feeling nauseous, sleepy, exhausted, mood swings, and light cramps in lower abdomen could be the symptoms of pregnancy. If your period is late, go for a blood test right away for a final answer! Good luck!

What does it mean when you have a negative home pregnancy test them your period comes very heavy with cramps and sharp pains to the bottom right of my abdomen?

It could mean a lot of things really. It just depends on your situation. If you are overweight and have irregular periods, you may have Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), the cysts on your ovaries can cause pain in your lower right or left stomach. Your period could just be heavy and have nothing to do with the pregnancy test. Some women have uterine fibroids that cause heavy bleeding with cramps. If you are really concerned then you should make an appointment with your Primary Care Provider.

Are stomach aches common during pregnancies?

It tends to depend on the pregnant woman. "Stomach ache" is a broad term and can mean anything from cramps, indigestion, or gas. Indigestion and gas are very common during pregnancy and are treatable conditions. If you are experiencing cramping or blood spotting, contact your doctor right away!

What would cause abdominal cramps and backaches?

If you are pregnant and you are having problems, you should contact a doctor right away. It could be anything. Even if you are not planning on continuing the pregnancy, you should still contact a doctor. Cramps during pregnancy can mean many things: gas, constipation, ectopic pregnancy, pre-term labor, miscarriage, braxton hicks contractions, and many other things. If you feel that it may be more serious you should contact your doctor.

How early do cramps start in early pregnancy?

Pretty Much right away, within a few weeks for me anyhow xox

What is intense right side cramps with no bleeding during your first few weeks of pregnancy?

It's possibly your uterus growing for the baby

Is it all right to sleep on your stomach the first seven to eight weeks of pregnancy?

by the time it's not safe you wont even be able to be on ur stomach

What are back pain factors during pregnancy?

Pain in lower right and/or left sides.