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Pain in lower right and/or left sides.

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Q: What are back pain factors during pregnancy?
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What should you do if you have lower back pain during pregnancy?

Contact a doctor! Don't over drug yourself or it will be bad during your pregnancy.

What causes Menstrual type cramps and lower back pain during pregnancy?


Can lower back pain and pain in your abdominal region only when leaning forward be a sign of pregnancy?

Signs of pregnancy are a missing period and positive pregnancy test. Lower back pain and pain in the abdominal region are not signs of pregnancy. See your healthcare provider for accurate diagnosis.

Difference between premenstrual breast pain and breast pain during pregnancy?

Premenstrual breast pain and breast pain during pregnancy feel the same and occur for the same hormonal reasons. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Is it normal to have severe back pain at 9 weeks?

No. You should see your doctor for any pains or bleeding you have during pregnancy.

Is back pain lower right side during pregnancy common?

Yes, it is. You should not be worried just visit your doctor.

Will there be a prickling pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy?

I had a prickling pain in my lower abdomen during the early stages of my pregnancy.

Is a sharp pain through my rib and when i breath normal during your 20th week of pregnancy?

While there are many normally occurring factors that may make this normal during pregnancy, you should consult your Dr to eliminate any cause for worry.

Why am i having occasionally bleeding..stomach pain..back pain.. and all the symptoms of pregnancy when i have an IUD in and all the pregnancy test are negative?

Bleeding, stomach pain, and back pain are not pregnancy symptoms. Your pregnancy test is negative and you are using effective birth control. Please see your health care provider to find out why you're having pain.

How does lordosis effect pregnancy and getting pregnant?

The lordosis is thought to increase during pregnancy but research shows that lordosis is decreased during pregnancy. There for if you are having back problems the overall pain may be due to the muscles and ligaments combined with some alteration in blood flow to the pelvic musculature and ligaments. The good news is that the average time for back pain to resolve is within 6 months.

Lower back pain is a normal indication that my period will arrive soon and I have it now but have not gotten my period. Could I be pregnant?

Yes, it can be a sign of pregnancy. Take a test

Can be mensural pain during pregnancy?

It's not menstrual pain, it's the uterus growing.