Hi! Cramping before your period is more than likely premenstrual cramps, however, it is possible to experience cramping during this time it's called implantation. That type of cramping is due to the fact that your body is preparing for a baby. Wait to see if your period arrives and if it's your usual/normal period then you're probably not pregnant. Implantation bleeding is usually easy to tell apart from a regular period it should be light and pink and last like 2 days. Of course not all women experience it. I'm going through a similar situation right now too, I have had cramping just like you before my actual period, except my period never came. I took a pregnancy test and it showed negative. I called my doctor and she advised that I wait one more week to see if I'm just really late or if it was just too soon to tell. It could have also been a false negative. Then if it's negative to see her in person to figure out what's wrong. I hope this helps in answering your question and giving you some insight on what to expect. If you're trying to get pregnant good luck!!!!! If not, don't worry just wait and see.
Cramping is yes.
Yes, at the time for your first period after conception. Cramping is common during other times of pregnancy but it's not uterine or menstrual cramping.
Yes. Cramping during early pregnancy comes and goes.
Yes this can be a sign of early pregnancy.
Most likely it is PMS and your period will start in a few days.
or pms
Yes, mild cramping is normal in early pregnancy. For me it felt like that little bit of cramping I would get just before my period would start, the mild cramps that let me know bigger cramps would be coming. Only in early pregnancy, bigger ones shouldn't come. Mild and slightly uncomfortable, but not excruciating and dibilitating in the way period cramps can sometimes be.
yes you sure can