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No, he's not gay at all.

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Q: Is chrisofer Drew from nevershoutnever gay?
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Why did Chrisofer Drew leave school?

If you are talking about Christopher Drew in the one-man band NSN(NevershoutNever), He probably left because he wanted to pursue his dream.

What is christopher drew of nevershoutnever's MySpace?

What was christopher drew in before nevershoutnever?

Christopher Drew is not Gay or Bi, or pan. He is straight as a ruler.

Who wrote happy by NeverShoutNever?

Cristopher Drew wrote it, who is the only person in Nevershoutnever.. Every songs by nevershoutnever, is writen by Cristopher Drew. He writes all of his songs.

Where is the band nevershoutnever from?

Christofer Drew is from Joplin, Missouri. He basically is nevershoutnever

What is the name of the lead singer of nevershoutnever?

The lead singer of NeverShoutNever is Christofer Drew Ingle.

What is one of nevershoutnever's favorite band?

Christofer Drew (Nevershoutnever!) is very inspired by the Beatles

When did nevershoutnever start their band?

Correction, HIS band. Nevershoutnever is just Chris Drew playing and singing.. Nevershoutnever started in September 2007.

What is NeverShoutNever's real name?

Christopher Drew

Did NeverSHoutNEver change his name?

nevershoutnever is also referred to as christofer drew (the main songwriter/guitarist/ukele-ist/harmonica-ist/lead singer) because he is obviously the most well known. but nevershoutnever is staying and the band name is staying also. sometimes it is referred to as "Never Shout Never" but fans usually just call it "nevershoutnever" or "nevershoutnever!" or "NeverShoutNever" or "NeverShoutNever!" hope this helps i love christofer drew/nevershoutnever :)

Who is the leader of NeverShoutNever?

Christofer Drew Ingle <3 :)

Where was Chrisopher Drew from nevershoutnever born?

Joplin, Missouri.