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Cheese is defiantly bad fat which is why its something you want to limiT yourself to. You would find good fats in stuff like nuts and omega-3.

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Q: Is cheese good fat or bad fat?
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Is eating melted cheese healthy?

Cheese is a good source of Protein and Calcium and so eating cheese is good but at the same time, it is high in calories and fat. So, eating too much cheese is bad for health

Is cheese a good carbohidrate?

No; cheese is predominantly protein and fat.

Is cheese good or bad?


Why cheese bad for you?

It's only bad if you eat too much. Most cheese is high in fat so you should enjoy it in moderation.

Is cheese good on a diet?

As cheese is fattening it is bad for the health.

Which type of oil is bad fats?

There are four types of fat- terrible fat, bad fat, good fat, and best fat. Trans fat= terrible Saturated fat= bad Monounsaturated= good Polyunsaturated= best

What foods are a good source of fat?

Those with fat in them. There is NO dietary need for fat ... all food in excess of your current requirements is automatically converted into fat. Butter, cheese, milk and oil seeds etc are good source of fat.

Is cheese a good food while dieting?

no cheese is not at all good while you are dieting because it adds to fat in your body

Why eating cheese every day as a second dish is bad?

Because most cheese contains a lot of saturated fat, which is bad for your heart. Eating a lot of cheese daily may increase your risk of heart disease. (Some cheeses are low in fat; this warning doe not apply to them. E.g. cottage cheese, light versions of cream cheese etc...).

Is cheese good for health?

Cheese gives you some of your daily calcium. But in other words it has a ton of fat in it!!

Is pig fat good or bad for your health?

bad, bad, BAD

What are the differences between the types of fat?

this depends on the fat, it is fat that is good and fat that is not good. the fat that is hard to get away is the bad one