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It's not, necessarily. A lot of how dangerous drinking is depends on how often and much is consumed, and whether the consumer has any underlying health issues such as a compromised liver, Diabetes, or a genetic predisposition toward Alcoholism. Smoking, on the other hand, is ALWAYS bad for your health, and the health of those around you. The lungs are designed to do one thing: facilitate the delivery of oxygen into the blood stream. Any time you introduce any foreign substance into the bloodstream, and especially via aspiration, it's not good for you.

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Hazel Hammes

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2y ago
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11y ago

Any form of "smoking" is bad for your health, so No is one answer. You werent very specific but if your talking about cigarettes then yes they are more harmful than marijuana. One because there is no "nicotine" in marijuana and two because there are many harmful substances that are in cigarettes and no extra substances in marijuana.


Marijuana is more dangerous than smoking. It contains more carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) than cigarette smoke.

For more information about the many harmful effects of marijuana, see the related link below.

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15y ago

The tar in cannabis smoke causes chromosome damage which can lead to birth defects. As a result a person who smokes cannabis can not only cause damage to himself but also to his children. A tobacco smoker will only give himself lung cancer. If you are going to use cannabis use the machine that heats it up so you can breathe it and you take it in through your lungs without the smoke.

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14y ago

Without question, smoking cigarettes. However, that has nothing to do with whether or not it is a good idea to smoke cannabis. You don't HAVE to smoke either. It's not an either/or issue.

It's like saying, "Well, you drink!" What I do has nothing to do with whether it is good for you to do something else. A bogus argument is a bogus argument.

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13y ago

Burning anything and inhaling it can be bad for your lungs. One product of burning any carbon based matter is carbon monoxide, a poison if inhaled. Carcinogens can be released by burning carbon compounds.

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13y ago

It can't kill you. Also it has a chemical in it called, I don't give a F@#%. It gives you a euphoric feeling. You are just happy and everything is better, music. games, movies. food (which you will eat tons of). It's bliss. i stopped smoking cigs and switched to mids.

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15y ago

Neither are any good for your health. Research shows that only 1 Marijuanna cigarette can damage you lungs as badly as 20 or more regular cigarettes.

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12y ago

The only way marijuana is worse than cigarettes is that it contains more tar than some cigarettes however cigarettes are more dangerous because of the additives in them

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Q: Is cannabis better than cigarettes
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Is cannabis in cigarettes?

No. tobacco is in cigarettes.

Is cannabis worse that cigarettes?

No. Naturally grown cannabis is additive free, 100% natural, and non physically addictive. Whereas Cigarettes are full of hundreds of additives, have Nicotine that causes addiction that is as hard or harder to quit than heroine, and causes cancer. Cannabis has medical actually helps Cancer patients. However Cannabis when smoked does have Carbon Dioxide that is harmful to your lungs and may lead to respiratory issues. Also some people can get mentally addicted to the euphoric high that comes from Cannabis. All in all though Cannabis is a better way to go than Cigarettes...only problem though is that is is illegal in most of the world.

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it depends on what drugs you are referring to. but no, cigarettes are not safer than cannabis.

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smoking weed is better than smoking cigarettes. It's much healthier for you!

Does Badr Hari smoke cigarettes cannabis?

no i dont think

Is pot safer that cigarettes?

yes, the tar and other very unhealthy ingredients in cigarettes is much more harmful to your body and addicting than anything produced by a cannabis plant and cigarettes are an extremely addictive habbit. weed is not addictive.

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Does cannabis kill?

NO! it has been proven by scientists it is less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes it even has medicinal purposes which helps ALOT of illnesses

Are electric cigarettes worse than real cigarettes?

I can breath better while smoking the E-Cigs

Marijuana is better than what?

Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.

Do Cannabis Free Cigarettes Actually Taste Like Marijuana?

If i understand your question correctly, the answer is no.

What does Jeremy clarkson smoke?

either cigars or cigarettes he might smoke cannabis but i don't think he does