Keep practising and it will lessen over time.
Pillows support your neck to keep it comfortable and lift your head to keep blood from rushing to it.
The blood is rushing away from your head to your gut in the "fight or flight" reflex, getting you ready to run, so you might feel a little dizzy as your blood pressure changes.
First of all, the sensation of "blood rushing to your head," is actually not blood. It's a fluid, (mostly water) from the vestibular sacs in your inner ear. When your body is upside down, that fluid moves around, giving you the sensation of being upside down, and feeling liquid run to your head. But no blood ever actually goes to your head. But can you die from it? It's not immediately dangerous, but our bodies weren't designed to be upside down for extended periods of time, so I wouldn't recommend it for more than a few seconds.
If you mean the foreskin getting stiff, you need to clean your head more and maybe start gently masturbating If you mean your whole penis getting stiff it is because of the blood rushing to it when you become sexually aroused...
No its only the blood going to your head
I heard that standing on your head works, because of blood rushing to your head helping folicles grow The anti tissue rejection drug Cyclosporin has this side effect and I think Viagra was first used as a drug to combat baldness.
A simile is a comparison which uses the words "like" or "as". A metaphor is a word which does use "like" or "as". Therefore, "The surge felt 'like' the blood was rushing to your hands" would be a simile.
either blood circulatory contracts heart vessels muscle oxygen pump or lungs
Dont make her just go with it. rushing is bad