

Best Answer

It is a sign of a kidney stones. I think you may want go to your regular doctor for a check-up!

AnswerOr it could mean that you have a urinary tract infection.

No, I don't believe so.

There are so many things that can cause blood in your urine. Kidney problems, UTI, bladder problems, menstruation, STD.

Most healthy, pregnant women will not have blood in their urine. If you think you are pregnant, you should buy a pregnancy test.

Regardless of whether you are pregnant or not, you should visit your doctor as it is not normal to have blood in your urine and there might be a problem that needs to be dealt with. If you want anonymity, you can visit a well women's clinic or a sexual health clinic.

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Q: Is blood in your urine a sign of pregnancy?
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If symptoms of a UTI are present including white blood cells in urine but no infection is found can this be an early sign of pregnancy?

No. Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. White blood cells in urine and painful urination are not signs of pregnancy.

Is oily urine a sign of pregnancy?

yes. the oily and dark urine is sign of pregency.

Can transparent urine be a sign of pregnancy?

No, clear urine is a sign that you are drinking plenty of fluids, which is a good thing. Take a store pregnancy test after your missed period to confirm a pregnancy.

Could blood in urine be a sign of a UTI"?

Yes, blood in urine can be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI).

When to do the blood test for pregnancy?

Blood test are good for women who do not have enough hcg in their urine to detect on a home urine pregnancy test. A blood test can detect pregnancy before a hpt can. Hopes this help

What is better to get a pregnancy test by urine or blood test?

blood test

What detects pregnancy in pregnancy test?

Pregnancy tests detect the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine or blood. This hormone is produced by the placenta after a fertilized egg has implanted in the uterus, indicating pregnancy.

Is blood in urine a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI)?

Yes, blood in urine can be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Can dehydration give a negative pregnancy test result?

No, concentration of hormones and other chemicals filtered from the blood in urine would actually increase with less urine volume. Pregnancy tests look for specific hormones in your urine. It's not likely that dehydration could cause this unless it was a sign of another health problem that was interfering with your pregnancy.

Is bubbles in your urine a sign of pregnancy?

The foam in your urine does not mean you are pregnant. Men's urine will foam also. If you think you are pregnant, A pregnancy test would be more accurate.

Is bubbles in urine a sign of pregnancy?

The foam in your urine does not mean you are pregnant. Men's urine will foam also. If you think you are pregnant, A pregnancy test would be more accurate.

Is HCG measured in the urine or blood?

pregnancy test