Black stools can occur during pregnancy, but are not a sign of pregnancy. Black stools can be caused by things such as blood in the stool, an ulcer, or gastritis. If they continue for more than a couple of days, the person should see his or her doctor.
Black stools can occur during pregnancy, but are not a sign of pregnancy. Black stools can be caused by things such as blood in the stool, an ulcer, or gastritis. If they continue for more than a couple of days, the person should see his or her doctor.
No. Black stool is a sign that you need an exam by your health care provider. Please call today.
No. Sign of pregnancy is missing your period and morning sickness (some people have it.) Yes, Stool changes are a sign of pregnancy. Usually softer in very early pregnancy and constipation usually occurring around the end of the first trimester.
Black stool with blood indicates blood loss high in the GI tract. This sign requires urgent consultation with your health care provider.
No, levothyroxine does not cause blood in your stool. Blood in the stool is a sign that always deserves a visit to your health care provider. Please make an appointment.
If your stools smells like baby stool, it is not part of pregnancy. You stool may smell different depending upon what you have eaten.
If your dog has a hard black stool, it could be a sign of old dried blood so your dog needs to be checked out by your Veterinarian immediately.. Do not wait on this problem.
No and if you have black stool you should go see a doctor.
A vet visit is in order. Tarry black stool is a sign of blood being digested. In short, your dog is bleeding internally, probably in the stomach, and needs to be taken to the vet as soon as possible.I hope he gets well soon.
no, black discharge can be a sign of a prolapse in the vaginal wall - get this checked out
No, I have not experienced black stool after consuming Oreos.