yes, i have quite alot on my plate at the mo and i tried to explain a bit of it to one of my closest friends recently, and it's all basically gone wrong. she told someone i said something, that she thought i did but the worst part is that the reason she thinks i said that is because she wasn't listening. i thought i could tell her anything but now i really have no one to tell, and i think even if i did it would be very hard to. if u ever want to talk bout it post a message on my message board, I'll listen, i know how you feel. x
It hirts bad like a sword through your heart. -FLYERFAN322
It is common for people to feel lonely at times, but it's important to remember that you're not alone in feeling this way. Opening up to someone you trust can help ease the pain and provide support. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can also be beneficial in addressing these emotions.
Be careful if you do, the narcissist can be a monster to anyone who hurts their pride.
You can tell the guy you like him, but you can't tell anyone or nobody can't see a part of love
Because they dont have anyone else to talk to.
I was the person who asked this question and if anyone has them tell me. Or if anyone is getting them also ask. But i have been told that it only hurts when they get tightened and a few days after they have fitted so if anyone has any comments what so ever please leave them so tell me i need to know.
Tell Me Where It Hurts - Garbage song - was created on 2007-07-16.
all u should do is be nice to them and don't tell anyone else let them tell people
I think you should tell a doctor about that and see what he recomends. If he/she does not know, or if he/she can not help you... tell your husband to stop0 sucking on your nipples.! duhhhh !! if it hurts just stop. ya, maybe it will be hard for him to stop but he will if it hurts you !!! <33 Marilyn. Age 49.
tell him that if he really wants you that he should show it or else your going to leave him for someone else
DO NOT TELL ANYONE!!! The boy confided in you and has trusted you with something very personal. Do not betray him by telling anyone. Gossip hurts, and it can ruin a good friendship very quickly. As fun as it may seem to tell someone and talk about it, word will get around that you told people his secret. And you will lose his trust and also the trust of those that you told. Gossip is not the way to go with this kind of thing.
You should just go for it. Taking a risk never hurts anyone.
If it hurts
Yes. He told Sutter and showed him the gold he found in the tailrace of the sawmill he was building for Sutter. Sutter told him not to tell anyone else, but word got out anyhow.