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Lifestyle change is the most important factor in long term weight loss. It can't just be a series of diets. Changing the way you eat, your activity levels, water intake, and other overall healthy habits will help you keep the weight off.

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Q: Is an important factor in healthy long-lasting weight loss?
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Exercise is a major factor in heart health. Exercising lowers your blood pressure, increases the heart's endurance, and helps to maintain proper weight. Proper weight is also important. Obesity puts more strain on the heart, than in a person of healthy weight. Diet is also extremely important. Eating high fat and cholesterol foods coats your arteries with fat and plaque. Some healthy foods have been shown to reduce cholesterol, which keeps the heart healthy.

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A healthy diet can be a major factor in the help with COPD.Maintaing a healthy weight is very important, therefore you should stay away from fat diets and monitor your calories. You should focus on protein get balanced and stay away from salt

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Healthy weight is not a factor of age, but rather height.

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It is important to maintain a healthy weight. A healthy weight usually means that a person is healthy. A 5 foot 7 inch female is considered overweight at 160 pounds-190 pounds.

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Eating healthy can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight that you are comfortable with. Counting calories is a very important part of this process.

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Fred Rogers' weight was not widely publicized. However, he was known to be a slim and healthy individual.

Healthy diet 1200 calories?

Calories are the most important factor that determines both weight gain and weight loss, and a healthy weight loss plan creates a safe calorie deficit to promote weight loss. The game of weight loss is all about calorie intake and calories burnt. In case of weight balance, all calories are same, but when it comes to overall health, all calories are not the same. The three main sources of calories are fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Sources of unhealthy saturated fats are butter, cheese and fatty cuts of meats; whereas sources of healthy unsaturated fats are nuts, vegetable oils, olives and seafood. Just like healthy and unhealthy fats, there are healthy and unhealthy carbs as well.

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Calories are the most important aspect of losing weight. However, the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats are also very important for a healthy diet.

Is it true that if you eat slow you gain weight?

How fast you eat has negligible effect on weight gain or loss.The important factor is what you eat and how much.

Why do coronary stent patients have to manage their weight?

Managing weight. Maintaining a healthy weight by watching portion sizes and exercising is important. Being overweight increases the work of the heart.

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The recommended healthy weight range for a 23 year old female who is 5'5" tall is between 119 and 149. The ideal healthy weight is 134 pounds.