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Alcohol poisoning can be fatal. Fortunately, it is extremely rare. However, always obtain emergency medical help if an intoxicated person becomes unconscious, breathes slowly, or has slow heart beat. Never leave a highly intoxicated person alone because they can choke on their own vomit.

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Q: Is alcohol poisoning fatal
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Related questions

How serious is alcohol poisoning?

Potentially fatal.

How do you get alcohol posioning?

Alcohol poisoning is caused by consuming too much alcohol in too short a period of time. It is serious and can be fatal. Always obtain emergency medical help if alcohol poisoning is suspected.

What happens when a person drinks alcohol more quickly than the liver can break it down?

You get Alcohol Poisoning or Liver Disease which is usually fatal.

What decreases an alcohol overdoes?

The risk of an alcohol overdose is reduce is a person drinks in moderation and on a full stomach. Alcochol poisoning is very dangerous and can be fatal.

When you combine alcohol with some drugs the results can be fatal?

The results can be catastrophic. You can get alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, brain damage, death, and a multitude of other problems.

Does alcohol poisoning kill people?

Yes, alcohol poisoning can be fatal. When someone consumes a dangerous amount of alcohol, it can lead to serious health complications such as respiratory depression, heart attack, and coma, which may result in death. It is important to seek immediate medical help if you believe someone may have alcohol poisoning.

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Yes, consuming excessive amounts of vanilla extract can lead to alcohol poisoning and potentially be fatal due to its high alcohol content.

Can alcohol kill you on the spot?

Consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can be fatal. Signs of alcohol poisoning include confusion, vomiting, seizures, slow breathing, and unconsciousness. Seeking medical help immediately is crucial in such cases.

How many teenagers die a year from ahchole poisen?

There is no specific number available for teenagers who die from alcohol poisoning annually, as the data can vary by region and year. However, alcohol poisoning is a serious and potentially fatal condition that can affect individuals of any age, and it is important to seek medical help immediately if someone is suspected of having alcohol poisoning.

How do kids die for alcohol poisoning?

There body takes in too much alcohol for them to handle. The alcohol poisons the blood leading to alcohol poisoning.

Do you have alcohol poisoning if you are 0.16?

No, but you are drunk. Alcohol poisoning becomes an issue around 0.30 and above.

Is high body temperature a key sign of an alcohol overdose?

No. A lower body temperature is associated with alcohol overdose or poisoning. If ever in doubt, obtain medical attention ASAP. Alcohol poisoning is very dangerous and can be fatal. Many universities today have an alcohol amnesty or Good Samaritan policy to protect both the victim and the person who seeks medical attention for the victim.