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no second hand smoke is when it's already been processed through your lungs mixing with carbon dioxide and exhaled. but i guess it all depends on how you're doing the shotgun, if you inhale the smoke, then exhale into someone elses mouth it's considered second hand smoke and that's not good for you.

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Q: Is a shotgun same as second hand smoke from weed?
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What does mariguana second hand smoke do to a fetus?

My best bet is the same as cigarettes without some of the toxins, smoke is smoke and smoke is bad for your heath

What is the process that makes second hand smoke get into cells?

The same as first hand smoke. The smoke is in the air, you breathe the air, you're inhaling smoke. Just like the oxygen goes to your cells, certain properties of the smoke go with it.

Can you get second hand smoke from e-cigs?

Not really... it is possible to inhale secondhand vapors, but it's not the same as secondhand smoke from a cigarette.

What happens when you second hand smoke?

Second hand smoke, or passive smoking can be just as harmful to you as it is to the person smoking first hand. You want to be careful that you do not hang around people who smoke too much as you could develop the same diseases and problems even if you do not ever touch a cigarette.

How does second-hand smoke effect the body?

You can breath in the smoke and it will go staight to your lungs. It has the same affect as smoking but it takes longer to get the effects.

What will second hand smoke do to you?

Second hand smoke can lead to the same effects of the actual smoker. There a studies that suggest that it has a worst effect than that of the smoker's; however, these studies have not been extensively researched. In a overview second hand smoke can (Allegedly) cause lung cancer, health problems, and increase your chances of heart attack, stroke, asthma related death, etc.

Can you come out dirty for second hand smoke?

Depends on what you mean by "dirty" Second hand smoke causes the same risks as smoking yourself - cancer, loss of the sense of taste and smell, coughing, etc. You also stink just as much after you have been with a smoker as the smoker stinks.

What are the effects of second hand marijuana smoke on babies and young children?

Marijuana is harmless. It will have no Ill effect.

Is passive smoking and direct smoking the same?

No, because passive smoking is inhaling the second hand smoke that Other people smoke and exhale. Direct smoking is when the person inhales the smoke that they themselves smoke. If you have a cigarette in your mouth, that's direct smoke. If you inhale other people's smoke, that's passive smoking.

Can smoking one cigarette a week cause coughing and wheezing?

Yes; any smoking or inhalation of smoke can cause coughing and wheezing. Second-hand smoke has the same potential to cause coughing and wheezing as does direct inhalation.

The importance of a Smoke Free Environment?

Te importance of a smoke free environment is simply,smoking causes diseases such as lung cancer,bronchitis,emphysema and heart disease.Second hand smoking is just as bad and can cause the same diseases so that a smoke free environment ensures that those who are not smoking can not be affected by second hand smoking.

Can second hand crack smoke harm kill your pet?

Yes, secondhand crack smoke can harm or potentially kill your pet. Pets are more sensitive to the effects of drugs and exposure to crack smoke can lead to respiratory issues, neurological problems, and even death in extreme cases. It's important to keep your pet away from any harmful substances, including secondhand smoke.