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No, because passive smoking is inhaling the second hand smoke that Other people smoke and exhale. Direct smoking is when the person inhales the smoke that they themselves smoke. If you have a cigarette in your mouth, that's direct smoke. If you inhale other people's smoke, that's passive smoking.

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Q: Is passive smoking and direct smoking the same?
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Related questions

Is passive smoking just as bad as normal smoking?

The risks as such are the same, but since the smoke you get into you from passive smoking is more diluted passive smoking is a bit less bad.

Difference between active and passive smoking?

Active smoking is the direct inhalation of smoke by an intended smoker while passive smoking is second hand smoking. This is a situation where smoke is inhaled (from the environment) by non intended smokers. Active and passive smoking are both harmful to the body.

How is passive smoking damages lungs?

Indirect smoking, or passive smoking is worse than direct smoke because it is not filtered. Damages lungs by burning away at the little hairs that carry mucous, and by leaving small resin deposits.

Secondhand smoking worse than smoking?

Secondhand smoking means the passive smoking and passive smoking is worse even than smoking cigarettes.

Is passive smoking second hand smoking?


What is the passive voice for the sentence 'we prohibit smoking'?

smoking is prohibited by us

What effects does passive smoking have on a person?

if you walk pass someone smoking and you inhale some of the smoke it will be the same as smoking but not harmful if you quickly get away from the person smoking. if your close friends smoke and your passive smoking nearly most of your days then this will be the same as smoking and will lead to poor lungs and a weaker heart so i recommend when you see someone smoke and your walking pass them , get pass them as quick as possible. And if your friends do smoke convince them to quit to make the world a better healthier place :)

What has the author Peter N Lee written?

Peter N. Lee has written: 'Misclassification of smoking habits and passive smoking' -- subject(s): Cancer, Etiology, Evaluation, Health aspects of Passive smoking, Health aspects of Tobacco use, Lungs, Passive smoking, Research, Tobacco use

Who are passive smokers?

Passive smoking - or second hand smoking - is the involuntary action of inhaling surrounding smoke. This pertains mainly to nonsmokers who are present in the company of smokers, and therefore are not actively smoking but breathing the smoky surrounding air.

What effect does passive smoking have on the body?


How do you say passive smoking in English?

You mean to say 'passive smoking' in Spanish not English because its how you just asked it. Anyway its El tabaquismo pasivo

How many people die due to passive smoking?

No way to have any statistic related to this issue, but certainly passive smoking is harmfull specially to children.