No. But similar.
1 kilojoule = 0.239005736 kilocalorie.
1 kilojoule = 0.238845897 calorie (nutritional)
The daily intake for kilojule is 100 grams per boibe weight
Yes, the calories you eat are the same calories that you burn.
Yes, a calorie is a calorie, regardless
kilocalorie,which is the same as calorie
There are 1000 joules in one kilojoule. This is because "kilo" stands for 1000 in the International System of Units (SI).
A calorie is a measurement of energy and has no size.
An uppercase Calorie is a unit of energy, short for kilocalories. This is the same as the "calories" listed on nutrition labels, and equals 1000 lowercase calories.
Its a calorie
A nutritional Calorie is 1000 times a chemical calorie.
Yes. A calorie burned is the same no matter how you burn it off.
7700 3,500 calories is for a pound of bodyfat, converted to kilograms it is then 7700 calories. And to clarify: "Calorie" actually a "kilo calorie", the same as a "food calorie" people are just lazy to pronounce the correct scientific "kilo"
The difference between a calorie and a Calorie is calorie is a smaller unit than Calorie and it takes 1000 calorie's to make a Calorie. The Calorie (kilocalorie, kcal) is 1000 calories - a more useful unit and widely used.