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NO, that is not possible.

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Q: Is a 1 year old girl pregnant?
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Can a 4 year old boy get a girl pregnant?

#1, no, theyre too young to develop sperm. #2, why do you need to know?

How old is a 1 year old girl?

1 year old or 12 months old.

How old is a girl that is 1 years old?

1 year old

Can a 6 year old get pregnant from a 11 year old?

No Little children like 8 to15 cant get pregnant well and 1 through 15 cant get pregnant

15 year old boy gets 21 year old pregnant?

Why the hell do you wanna know that? Im really hoping this is just out of curiosity and not because you are a 13 year old girl or 9 year old boy who wants to get pregnant/impregnate someone

Can a 16 year old boy and 16 year old girl get married if the girl is pregnant?

Dear Friend, first you have to consider the background of the boy. for a boy of 16 years get a girl 16 years pregnant there is something their, 1. it is possible. 2. if the boy has a back up let her go ahead and marry the girl. 3. Aborting it is another crime all together, so it is better that they married and it will never be a sin onto them. +2347039191713

How does your 1 year old know mom is pregnant?

she tells them or know by there stomach

How many servings of food should be eaten by an 11 year old girl?

A 11 year old girl should have at least 1-2 servings of each productA 11 year old girl should have at least 1-2 servings of each product

Is Justin Bieber is dating 14 year old Australian school girl?

No. he isn't dating a 14 year old Australian girl. If he was I would not be his #1 fan.

Can a 16 year old girl with a 2 year old get married in Ohio with consent of 1 parent?

no you spastic, your a mentalist

Can a 16 year old girl marry a 21 year old guy in Canada?

Yes if you really want to!!!!1

What is the average height of 1 year old girl in cm?

about 50 to 80 .