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Q: Is 779 a good credit score?
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What is a 713 credit score considered?

According to the latest VantageScore model, VantageScore 3.0, credit ranges are broken into the following categories: Poor300-599 Fair 600-659 Good 660-719 Very Good720-779 Excellent 780-850 Therefore, a credit score of 713 would be considered

What is the actual credit score scale?

According to the latest VantageScore model, VantageScore 3.0, credit ranges are broken into the following categories: Poor300-599 Fair 600-659 Good 660-719 Very Good720-779 Excellent 780-850 To check your credit score for free or find out ways to improve your credit score, visit LendingTree!

How good is an 869 Credit Score?

How good is an 869 credit score?

Is the credit score of 583 a good score?

583-619 is bad credit score in credit score range

What is a good range for a credit score?

Good credit score ranges between 680- 750 and above this range credit score is considered excellent. Check your credit score regularly to get an idea about your credit score regularly.

Is credit score 606 good?

A credit score of 606 is considered a good credit score. 680 and above is considered an excellent credit score. A good credit store is important if you need to acquire financing for a car, home, or business.

Is 696 a good credit score?

Yes, a 696 is a very good credit score. The higher the score a person has the better chance to get credit.

Is 776 good credit score?

yes 776 is a pretty good credit score.

What does a 667 credit score mean?

I dont know what exactly 667 is but a credit score is rated on how good your credit/debit card use is, EG: your credit score is Good

How do you get credit score?

Getting good credit score depends on how creditworthiness of that person.

What is a top credit score?

A good credit score is usually over 700

Is a credit score of 1100 good or bad?

Its good. My credit score is the same. I get approved for a lot of things.