One of many companies that made inexpensive firearms at the turn of the century.
Some models of Diamond Arms were made by the Crescent Fire Arms Company for the Shapleigh Hardware Company of St, Louis, Mo. between 1982 and about 1922.
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Just type"Mississippi Valley Arms shotgun" into a search engine and you will receive several results.
you may find some info at the savage arms website.This was the maker of your shotgun,savage/stevens.
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St. Louis Arms was a trade name sold by Shapleigh Hardware of St Louis and also by Sears Roebuck. They were mcde by Henri Pieper in Belgium c. 1890-1914 They were later made in the US by Crescent Fire Arms Co and J. Stevens Arms Co.
Not much info out there on Kessler Arms Corp. What is known is that these guns were made from 1951 - 1953.
The value cannot be given unless you state the model of your shotgun and its overall condition,with the info you have already posted.
Your serial number indicates that your Browning auto-5 sweet sixteen model shotgun was made in Belgium by FN for Browning in the year 1961.
Hero Arms Co. single shot 12 guage shotgun is a trade name. Research show. A Hardware company in Pennsyvania sold the Hero Arms. Guns America online auction shows several Hero Arms shotguns going for 75 to 100 dollars.
Volunteer arms 12 shotgun model 94042?
What is the value of a Beebe arms double barrel shotgun?