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Why yes, there were. In fact, there were even black slave-holders.

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Q: In history has there been white slaves?
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What is the historybackround of slavery?

Throughout human history the losers of battles and wars were made slaves. The root of the word slaves was from white Slavs who were taken prisoner and enslaved!

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Of course not. We don't need a white history month in the United States because all our history has been written from a white perspective with the focus on white achievement and leadership.

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The slaves would only make one pound of cotton in a day.

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* Spain * United States * France * Russia * All of Africa (slaves)

Who were slaveholders?

Slave owners are people who own the rights of the labor of another person, and can hold total dominion over their lives. There were slave owners all across the globe and in all ages of human history. Slave owners were Black, White, Asian, Native American, Arab, etc...All races have been slaves and slave owners.

Why did blacks vs other races end up as slaves?

All races have been slaves of others in history although it was not always called slavery. Forced labor is the same thing.

What were the slaves that looked white but were part black called?

Slaves that were half black and half white were called Mulatto.

Who were the two presidents that were indentured servants as young boys?

Millard Fillmore and Andrew Johnson.

Who owns slaves?

In 1835 at the time of the Removal on the Trail of Tears the Cherokee had about 1500 slaves of African descent. In 1840 about 300 of the elite Cherokee familes each owned 25-30 slaves. In 1860 before the start of the Civil War there were 4.600 slaves. There were 21,000 Cherokee at the time. About ten percent of the families owned slaves which was the same as white slave holders in the south. Of the slave holding families 78% claimed some white ancestory. In 1835 only three Cherokee owned more than 50 slaves. Joseph Vann had the most at 110.Slave masters who are white.

During slavery did white let slaves have a education?

yes but some white people didnt offer an education to their slaves.

Who took advantage of the homestead act?

white Americans, freed slaves and immigrants