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No some people can feel kicks this early. My friend did as well.

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Q: Im only 17 weeks pregnant with my first... ive had this fluttering bubbly feeling for the last week and just now i was sure i felt something poke me.. but isn't it too early to be feeling kicks?
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It really depends whether you have sex. There is no way you can get pregnant if you don't have sex. If you still have your normal period, it is probably to do with the heavy flow that is causing pains or it is to do with a hormone production. If you are scared of being pregnant, simply take a pregnancy test. These signs of feeling sick and bubbly will probably indicate that you are sick or is simply your body reacting to your menstruation. As long as you are menstruating, it will be unlikely you are pregnant.

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The word bubbly has 2 syllables.

Your 13 year old dog has a terrible bubbly stomache and feeling really sorry for herself. Is there anything you can do for her until you get her to the vet?

Hopefully, you've got your dog to the vet before you read this. I'm not a vet, but a bubbly stomache might mean she ate something that didn't agree with her, but don't take any chance, since food poisoning is very serious. If you still haven;t got her to the vet, and she is still unwell, or gets worse, RING THE VET FOR ADVICE!

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The link below will provide the tabs for playing Bubbly on the ukulele.