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That is perfectly normal. I have been on Birth Control pills for two years and my period never starts until the very end of my inactive pill "break."

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Q: Im 4 days into your 7 day break and havent had a period?
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You have light bleeding like once a day for like 3 days but havent started your period?

you could be pregnant

If I had unprotected sex on the day I was already a week late for my period but now 7 days later I still havent gotten my period what are the chances I'm pregnant?

50/100 or 40/100

Do you have to have a period on the 7 day break on mercilon pill i havent had my period yet and im on my 4th day?

Sometimes the birth control pill can make your period so light, it doesn't come at all. If you used the pill correctly the month before, there's no cause for concern.

How many days after the 7 day break do you bleed?

It depends on the oral contraceptive taken, and the person taking it to how many days into your break your period starts. With regular pill taking and time your period should be easier to predict accurately once your body gets into a regular 'rhythm'. It can start any number of days after taking the last pill in your packet, but usually starts during the 7 day break rather than after.

In 26th day of 32 days period it will pregnant or not?

its always the 14 days after your period. ( to get pregnant)

What is a semestral break?

It divides our school days ex. Our school days is 200 days. The 100th day is the start of semestral break.

If you have unprotected sex the day your periods start and the bloke cums inside you then your period stops the day after does this mean you have become pregenant?

No, you cannot be pregnant unless you are ovulating. You ovulate 14 days b4 your missed period and 14 days after the 1st day of your last period. No, you cannot be pregnant unless you are ovulating. You ovulate 14 days b4 your missed period and 14 days after the 1st day of your last period. No, you cannot be pregnant unless you are ovulating. You ovulate 14 days b4 your missed period and 14 days after the 1st day of your last period.

Should you take the birth control pill if you havent got your period within the 7 day break?

You should take the birth control pill as directed regardless of bleeding. Take a pregnancy test if you missed pills in the previous cycle.

Explain how many days before or after your period a girl can become pregnant?

From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck. From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck. From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck. From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck.

You dindt start taking your birth control pills until the 2nd Tuesday after your period Will you still get your period after you take the first 21 pills?

Hello. You will get your period after the 21 days. There is a 7 day break in the pills - this is when you will get your period. Or no later than a week after the 7day break. It will be around 4 weeks exactly after you started taking BCP.

Do you take clomiphene the first day after your period for the next five days?

when you start you period from that day count five days on the five day you start taking clomiphene.

When would someone ovulate if her period is every 21 days?

You have your period a fixed 14 days after you ovulate. So if a woman has her period every 21 days, she ovulates on 21-14=7...the 7th day after the 1st day of her period.