well, you could go to the park on a nice warm day (where lots of kids usually go on a nice day) and find someone you think looks like a good friend then go talk to them softly. eg: hi.....she/he says hi...wanna play tig?.....sure....cool. then come to the park more often and u might see that person again, (if they don't live far from there.) when you know them quite well, then ask them if they'd like to come to your house to play. you both might be interested in the same thing. as you get more friends, it'll soon lead you too getting a boyfriend. don't give your hopes down because your homeschooled. have fun and enjoy yourself. wish you luck. x
from sweet sour (my wikianswers nickname)
Well first of all I'll be your friend. But what i think you should do is find a way to the mall or to the beach when spring break hits and just randomly talk to people (not in an annoying way) and get on their level. That way you have a good chance of getting more and more friends in which could lead up to finding a boyfriend. Dont let being homeschooled get in the way of you having a social life.
You should tell him, if he likes you back, it shouldn't matter if you're homeschooled and you don't have lots of friends!
Sit Him Down And Tell Him You Guys Are Just Friends. He Should Understand And If He Doesnt Dont Worry About It.
Make friends with your boyfriends friends
they are friends and he should just calm down i bet you he has friends that are girls that you dont know about
Your friends boyfriend? You dont!
I think you shouldn't be mad because maybe there just friends Dont you have friends that are boys?
well i think that if your friends dont like him he must not be good for you!!!!friends are way more important then boy friends!!!!
Be honest with him.... If you do, say you have one but still want to be friends... If you dont, then say you dont...
Well some people say that he doesnt have a boyfriend their just friends but i dont belivie it.....
Unfortunately you have to simply tell him you have a boyfriend and are not interested in him that way.
you should dump him