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Period delay isn't a definite sign of pregnancy. Lots of things can cause a period to be late. I am normally a very regular person and I have been late the last two months.

If you are still unsure, take a home pregnancy test and find out for sure.

In the first couple of weeks-you can experience a multitude of symptoms such as light-headedness, nausea, sore breasts, more than normal vaginal discharge, sensitivity to smell, period-like cramping, light spotting also known as "implantation bleeding", heartburn, gas, constipation, metallic taste in mouth, darkening of nipples and the list goes on. Some women experience symptoms as early as the first two weeks-others don't get any symptoms-and most feel symptoms starting at about the time of their missed period. There are a huge number of signs and symptoms that can tip you off that you might be pregnant! Of course the only way to know for sure is a positive pregnancy test (around 12-14 days past ovulation). But for all of us who are trying to conceive it is hard not to speculate about every sign!

Hormone levels increase dramatically even in very early pregnancy, which is the main source of all pregnancy symptoms. Some women will experience symptoms as early as implantation (6-12 days past ovulation) and others will only start to experience symptoms around their expected period, and others don't notice any difference until they are about 6 weeks pregnant.

You could have a cyst on your ovaries.

The pregnancy tests aren't always accurate, so I would talk to my doctor if I were you.

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Q: If your test is negative and you have your period can you still be pregnant?
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If home pregnancy test negative can you still be pregnant and get your period?

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Will i be still be pregnant if i had a negative test result From Norena

How soon can you do a test to see if am pregnant?

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No, I don't think so, you shouldn't get pregnant whilst you are on your period.

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