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Yes take a pill once every day at the same time. Even if your period starts before you get to the end of the pill pack. This is normal. Do not stop taking your pills or you could get pregnant.

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Q: If your period is a week early on the pill should you continue taking extra pills?
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When should you take your next pill if you get your period early while taking pills?

You should continue taking the pill as scheduled regardless of any bleeding.

Period started early do I stop taking the pill until after my period is over?

No, continue taking the pill as scheduled.

What if you had your period early but your pill is not finish it is ok to continue to take or you stop even the 28 days is not finish?

You should continue taking the birth control pill as scheduled regardless of bleeding.

If you have an early period should you still stop taking the pill for 7days?

You need to go see the doctor. You could be pregnant.

What to do when your period comes early and your on the pill?

Continue taking your pills as scheduled. Contact your health care provider if this is a common problem for you, is troublesome, or is associated with any kind of pain or unusual vaginal discharge.

Can you start a new pack of birth control pills a day early?

Starting a pack of birth control pills a day early does not increase the risk of pregnancy; in fact, it may decrease the risk. Continue taking your pills as normal. Your period will just arrive a day early that's all.

Can you continue your period into the next month?

Of course you can,it happens to me all the time. This is what I mean: if you have your period on February 27th, and your period usually lasts 5-7 days, it would continue on the the early week of March! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

You missed only one pill but then took it maybe 12-20 hours later and still got your period 2 weeks early - should you continue on this pack or should you start a new pack when your period finishes?

yes you should finish the pack you're on. you may still get your period again when you get to the placebo pills, but continue on the pack you are on for sure. you only throw it away and start the new pack if you miss 4 or more

If you start while still taking active pills to you continue with the active ones or switch to the sugar pills?

Keep taking your pills all in order-do not skip any active pills...did you miss any pills -sometimes that can cause you to start your period early...also-maybe put a call in to your doc- if you didn't miss any pills,you shouldn't start your period while still taking active pills

When taking birth control if you miss an active pill the day before you start your inactive pills and dont remember you didnt take the active pill and you get your period a day early now what?

Forget about it. Continue taking your pills as normal (don't take the missed pill). If you are actually worried about pregnancy, don't be too concerned. Your period will probably take care of things naturally.

You stopped taking birth control in December your period came like clock work In January and February your period was early But march your period is late Is this normal?

I stopped taking my birth control in December and in January I came on my period but in february I didnt come is this normal

You missed your period and you just started taking the pill last week and you should have got it then you have been more tired with back pains If i am pregnant could the pill hurt the baby?

Firstly back pain is not a usual early pregnancy symptom. If you are pregnant, taking the pill will not harm the baby in any way. When you first start taking the pill, you should wait until you have your period and start your first pill on that first day.