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Did you put it the wrong way in? Does it have smears on it? Is it old? These may all be factors to why the game isn't working. Perhaps it could even be your game console.

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Q: If your game doesn't have scratches on it why won't it work?
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Many reasons. Maybe the game is a little dusty, or there could be some scratches on the game.

What is the best way to clean a video game?

Breath on it and rub it on your shirt, if that doesnt work try cleaning it with a wet substance and rub it with a soft material. If that doesnt work, take it to a gamestore and have the scratches buffed out of it.

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Maybe you buy PAL Game but your ps2 is working only in NTSC or vice versa.

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If the disc has scratches that make it not work, try using a pencil eraser and rub from the center to the edge. It rubs off a small layer that rubs away the scratches. Hope this helps!

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if halo 2 wont work on youre xbox try cleaning it with some water from the tap and dry it with a cloth if it still doesnt work and theres lots of scratches on it get it buffed and halo 2 is a really old game

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Coding scratches. Not visible but cause it to react like that. Note: Some coding scratches are visible.

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a CD does not need a case for it to work. if the CD has scratches then it wont work

Your disc wont work and you done it with toothpaste and it still didnt work but if you give it to GAME and they fix it will your disc work?

Yes game or gamestation should have a disc repairing machine to remove most or all scratches from your discs, i got my oblivion and my fallout 3's scratches removed the other day for 2 quid each and they now work perfectly.

Can you download a game from amazon and it becomes free the next time?

not that i knoe of but try finding the cheapest game you can find that way if it doesnt work it wont be much of a loss

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you have to have a newer game boy or ds because if the internal clock has dryed out or doesnt work then it wont work......otherwise wait a while in the game and it turns night

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i dont know it doesnt work for me either

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if it doesnt work reinstall it