Breath on it and rub it on your shirt, if that doesnt work try cleaning it with a wet substance and rub it with a soft material. If that doesnt work, take it to a gamestore and have the scratches buffed out of it.
Probably to buy a commercial disc cleaner.
youtube or if your really good create your own cheat program and search threw the swf to find it by yourself.
Downloading BIOS files from the internet for video games is illegal.The only legal way to download BIOS files is to dump it from your own video game console.
Generally an idea which will result in a good video game will be an innovation to a current genre or a new style of gameplay. Preferably more than one new idea per game. The best way to come up with ideas is to understand the programming process and see exactly what its limitations and techniques are, i.e. learn a programming language.
Director or Game Designer. You will need industry experience to get either of these positions. Publishers just don't put down 1/2M - 20M on some unknown person. The easiest way to enter and gain experience is Video Game Testing. offers a Video Game testing course that is online.
Probably to buy a commercial disc cleaner.
get a soft cloth and swab in circles
is to teach you how to pass the video game or place or anything to help you pass a video the best way is to go on youtube
Way of the Warrior - video game - happened in 1994.
Way of the Warrior - video game - was created in 1994.
There are many resources that offer information on making video games from home. The best way to make a video game at home is to have a powerful computer for game developing.
Are you serious? There is no way to get inside a video game. (unless you have a Beemo)
The best way to get a job in video game design is to go to college and major in computer assisted design. Then you can take your new found credentials and get a job in video game design.
The best way to clean a suit is to have it professionally dry-cleaned.
The best way to clean a dartboard is with a cloth and shining polish.
The best way to have clean water, is to boil it. Water purifiers are a close second, and although they still clean your water, they are not the best way to have clean water.
Use graph paper and count steps.