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no it is not a sign pregnancy

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Q: If your breasts itch is that a sign of pregnancy?
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If your breasts peel or itch is that a sign of pregnancy?

i think you sould get that checked out.. i have never heard of that happin maybe they are just dry try lotion

Can pregnancy make your breasts itch?

Yes. It is usually because your skin is stretching.

Is warm breasts a sign of pregnancy?


Darkening of breasts a sign of pregnancy?

Yes, it can be.

Is it a sign of pregnancy if having your breasts played with irritates you?


Is tenderness in the abdomen a sign of pregnancy?

tenderness in the abdomen is not a sign of pregnancy so if that is the situation i suggest you seea doctor. p.s. tenderness in the breasts is a sign of pregnancy.

Is it a sign of pregnancy if your breasts and your back hurts?

Yes it can be. Do a test.

Is acne on breasts a sign of pregnancy?

Many women get acne on their breasts because that area can sweat more than other areas. Acne can also be a sign of pregnancy because of hormonal changes.

They say breast tenderness could be a sign of pregnancy but is sharp pain under and between the breasts a sign of pregnancy?

No, definitely not. You need to consult a doctor about this.

Is liquid from the breasts signs of pregnancy?

Yes or it may be a sign of hormonal imbalance

Can During your first month into your pregnancy your breasts hurt and your nipples itch?

Every woman's development is different, but yes, it is possible. Breasts grow through a great many changes in preparation for nursing a child. It is worth noting that pregnancy is not the only cause of aching breasts and itching nipples.

Is sensation in the breasts a sign of pregnancy?

Was for me each time! Worth cking with a doctor or doing a home pregnancy test.