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Yes. It is usually because your skin is stretching.

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Q: Can pregnancy make your breasts itch?
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Related questions

Why id there's a hich on the breast?

Pregnancy, cancer infections, hormonal imbalances and yeast infections are some of the things that make the breasts itch.

Can During your first month into your pregnancy your breasts hurt and your nipples itch?

Every woman's development is different, but yes, it is possible. Breasts grow through a great many changes in preparation for nursing a child. It is worth noting that pregnancy is not the only cause of aching breasts and itching nipples.

When a girls breasts itch what can a boy do to help?

itch their boobs

If your breasts peel or itch is that a sign of pregnancy?

i think you sould get that checked out.. i have never heard of that happin maybe they are just dry try lotion

Is it bad to scratch your breasts when they itch?

Usually not.

Will your breasts leak in the beginning of pregnancy?

No, breasts leak in the latter part of pregnancy.

Why do your breast itch?

Well you don't need to worry about it it's totally normal. When your breasts itch it means that they're growing. You can itch them i you want but not too hard or too much or you'll damage your tissue inside your breasts.

What can you do to make your breasts grow bigger during pregnancy?

Just wait for it and it will happen naturally!

Is warm breasts a sign of pregnancy?


Does the aereola itch during pregnancy?

yes, increased sensitivity to the area is normal during pregnancy.

What does it mean when your breasts hurt and itch?

either your about to get your period or your boobs are about to grow

7 days past ovulation and i had a little red spot of pink or brown discharge when i whiped my nipples itch and breast are sensitive i have been emotional possible pregnancy?

7 days past ovulation and you have little red spots discharge at your nipples, and sensitive breasts warrants a pregnancy test.