Well you don't need to worry about it it's totally normal. When your breasts itch it means that they're growing. You can itch them i you want but not too hard or too much or you'll damage your tissue inside your breasts.
Extreme horniness... or breast cancer.
numbness and tingling under breast and left back shoulder and its very Itch around those areas.
There could be any number of reasons including, but not limited to, allergic reactions and pregnancy. See your doctor.
For some years I have been experiencing pinching under my skin. It's usually in the same area on my left side near my breast but not on the breast. Do you know what causes that? Please advise.
Pregnancy, cancer infections, hormonal imbalances and yeast infections are some of the things that make the breasts itch.
I'm 7 weeks pregnant. Oddly, it's pretty much just my left nipple that itches.
im 12 and i get itching in my brests asell so i think it does cause itching Yes, because the skin is stretching.
You scratch an itch! An itch itches. You scratch an itch to remove the pain.
that's unnormal you need to get to a doctor amediately you may be infected wit gionarea or any other std or may even be HIV.
Sometimes it does itch.
We need a little more to answer this. Try again with the following info: How long has this been going on? Are there nodules or easily idetifiable spots that itch? Discoloration? Using any new medicine. Eating any new foods. New clothing? Sometimes the sizing can cause an itch. Get these back to me and I'll do what I can for you.