If it were me, I would either A- talk to him B- dump him I had the same problem with my bf. His problem straightened out on his own
dump him. he obviously care about u
your mates care about you
You will know a boyfriend doesn't want to lose you if he shows effort in the relationship. If he seems like he doesn't care then he probably doesn't care about the relationship as much as you do.
if he loves her he would not care.
Of course.
If you care about him then visit him show him you care, write to him, tell him you miss him.
Shower her with presents and be nice and show her that you care.
Show affection to each other and show you care.
I think that you should be able to leave your parents home because it seems to me that your old enough to have sexual entercouses with the opposite sex. You and your boyfriend should be able to move out on your own and take good care to the child.
No show that you do not care about him no more and you have got over him .
If he cares about you he will understand. Do you want a uncaring boyfriend? Your parents do care about you.
Well, if he doesn't like the girl then the girl shouldn't like the guy. She should look for someone else who actually has the same feelings as she does. Sounds like he's already gone.Don't be a piece of furniture.Move on