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Of course.

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Q: Should a girlfriend take care of sick boyfriend?
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It sounds as though your depressed about something. Perhaps you are love sick. Only you will know. Have you recently known someone who has died? Lost a friend? Broken up with a boyfriend/girlfriend?

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who ever is reading this u are a sick pevert and the person who asked this you will never get a girlfriend or boyfriend

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It's not uncommon. It's usually called 'sympathy sickness' and is probably because you have a strong emotional tie to your girlfriend. You feeling sick should not stop you from taking care of the poor girl though.

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Thank you, my love, for taking care of me while I was sick.

Should your boyfriend come to see you if youre sick?

"It'll be alright, sweetie. I'm gonna take care of you."

How can you use care as verb in a sentence?

His girlfriend asked him. "Do you care about me?"

What does it mean when your boyfriend doent care if your sick?

Some people are not very good at being sympathetic. It could be that or it could be that he is not that keen on you.

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if u mean love love as in boyfriend and girlfriend noway that's sick but if u meanlove as family love yes she does

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No it is not good to do that because even if they are sick you should still care for them.

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Yah she's sick should u not just do it from love

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we need to take care our urinary system for us to be healthy and not to have sick

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You should realize that there is nothing that is the 'end of the world'. No matter what happens, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Even when we lose people we love, we get sick, a boyfriend/girlfriend dumps us or cheats, things WILL get better. Time heals all!