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Nope...those are called "evaporation lines." They will almost always show up 30-60 minutes after you take the test. All tests have a STRICT time limit to check the test, and it's usually 10 minutes.

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Q: If you took 2 pregnancy tests both with a negative result that later turned positive could that still mean you are pregnant?
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Why would a pregnancy test not give you either answer?

A pregnancy test can only give you "a negative result" (probably not pregnant) or "a positive result" which indicates the likelihood of pregnancy. Only a blood test or physical examination can confirm a positive result (definitely pregnant). There are some conditions which have pregnancy symptoms, and very rare conditions under which pregnancy is not immediately detectable after fetal development begins.

Can a positive home pregnancy test result be incorrect?

If you are not taking hormone supplements then you are pregnant. You can get a false negative, you cannot get a false positives.

Can you take a home pregnancy test if you're 11 days pregnant?

At 11 days pregnant, you wouldn't get an accurate result. It is best to wait until 2-3 weeks after sex. However, if you do take a pregnancy test and get a positive result, you are pregnant. False positives are very rare. The same cannot be said for a negative result.

Use home pregnancy test and the result are positive but the blood test result is negative am i pregnant?

i would try another home test to be sure. the hormones that are used to identify pregnancy can be found sooner in the blood than in the urine.

If you went to the doctor and got a positive result but then took a home pregnancy test and got a negative result is it possible to be pregnant?

If the doctor told you that you are pregnant, then you probably are. The doctors do a blood test which is way more accurate then peeing on a stick!

What result wil you get from a home pregnancy test if you had a light period lasting 3 days then took a test?

I hate to state the obvious, but if you are pregnant you would get a positive, if you are not then it would be a negative.

What does a CVS positive pregnancy test result look like?

A plus sign for positive and a minus sign for negative.

One positive one negative result no period and pregnancy symptoms are you pregnant?

As I was once told, "a positive is a positive"The body produced a hormone called HCG only when pregnant.HCG is the hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. This hormone is what a pregnancy test detects. It stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. During a normal pregnancy, the HCG levels will steadily rise throughout pregnancy.

What is the likely hood of being pregnant with a negative result?

It is more common for home pregnancy tests to give a false negative than a false positive. You could be testing too soon. Home pregnancy tests are considered accurate 14-16 days after ovulation.

You are having morning sickness could you be pregnant last month had a faint positive pregnancy result?

Even a faint positive is a positive. And false positives are very rare. You are pregnant.

What can make a pregnancy test read a false positive?

There are a few factors that can result in a false positive. Most of the time though false positives are rare! I recently experienced this. I have 4 children and have never had a false positive! My test never showed up unless I was pregnant. I recently had 5 tests show a faint positive and went to the doctor for blood test which was negative. I was told that a cyst on your ovaries can sometimes make a test appear positive (false positive). Other factors include chemical pregnancy. This is one where everything develops as though you are pregnant, except for the baby. If you are on any medication that contains the pregnancy hormone (HCG), this also can make your test turn up positive. It is best to have a blood test done by the doctor to totally insure you are not pregnant.

Can you get a negative pregnancy test result if your pregnant 10 yrs after a tubal ligation?

You will get a positive result if you are pregnant even after a tubal ligation. A pregnancy test tests for the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone. Or more commonly known as the HCG level. You could have a negative result and still be pregnant if it is too soon and your HCG level is too low. It does not happen often but there have been cases where woman have indeed become pregnant after a tubal ligation. Your best bet is to go see your doctor and get a blood test done. They are the most accurate even in the early stages of a pregnancy.