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Yes, that happens to many women. It's called withdrawal bleeding and it happens because there is a sudden drop in the amount of hormones in your system (its the same response your body has when you take the week of sugar pills in the BC pack).

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Q: If you stopped taking your birth control pills in the middle of your cycle and started bleeding brown blood out of the blue Is this normal?
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Can you get your period when you are in the middle of taking birth control pills?

yes, but it just might be breakthrough bleeding.

What if you already started trying to double up on the pills you missed and still have one extra pill after taking 2 pills for next 2 days then started period?

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Does starting birth control in the middle of your cycle delay your period?

No. starting birth control in the middle of your cycle does NOT delay your period. I started it in the middle of mine and i was fine. it ended on the EXACT day that it was supposed to.

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It's difficult to say. You shouldn't be experiencing break through bleeding unless you've missed pill(s).

If you just stopped birth control in the middle of the month when can you take a pregnancy test?

No need to wait at all. You can take it today!

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If they wern't going backwards when you hit them you are at fault.

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You should go to the doctor as soon as you can. That is not normal.

Does stopping your birth control in the middle of a pack make your period kick in. I stopped taking them 1 week in and my period has started again only after 12 days could that be why?

Hormonal birth control pills work by suppressing your menstrual cycle so that you no longer ovulate, as you no longer ovulate it means that you no longer menstruate - the bleeding you get while on the pill is not menstruation, it is a withdrawal bleed caused by the drop in hormones when you go from active to inactive pills. Thus if you stop taking the pill the drop in hormones will have the same effect; a withdrawal bleed.

If you get your period in the middle of a pack of birth control pills do you need to start a new pack?

No. Continue taking your pills as scheduled, regardless of any bleeding.

What does it mean if you bleed a little in the middle of your cycle that may look like your period but did not continue bleeding after?

Bleeding in the middle of your cycle is not normal. You need to see a doctor.

Why do you start your period in the middle of taking your birth control pills?

Usually because of break through bleeding. This can occur because your pregnant or the dose of the pill isn't high enough for you.