Yes! Having regular periods increases your chance of conceiving. Buy some ovulation predictor kits to know what time is best to have sex.
It will probably take longer to conceive if you have PCOS. Chances are your periods are irregular which means you aren't ovulating, which means you can't get pregnant. Talk to your doctor about how you can regulate your periods with diet and medication (Metformin is a common treatment). Clomid can also be used to induce ovulation. Don't lose hope though, you can get pregnant with PCOS, it just may take longer.
Wait a few months after going off the pill to see if your periods are still regular. If you don't have a period for 2-3 months and aren't pregnant, see your OB or reproductive endocrinologist to be tested for PCOS. Often times the pill can mask the symptoms of PCOS and you won't know you have it until after you go off the pill.
Sometimes - if you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) you don't have regular periods at all unless you are on medication (Birth Control or glucophage). It seems to early for menopause. I would go see a doctor.
Yes you can, but the hormonal imbalance/insulin resistance may make ovulation more infrequent. If you have missed periods frequently, ask your doctor to be tested for PCOS. It is still possible to get pregnant with PCOS, it just may take more time and intervention.
When you have PCOS you really can't put a date on when you will conceive. You should keep working with your doctor to determine how to increases your chances of getting pregnant.
Yes. Although many women with PCOS struggle to become pregnant, it is still possible to get pregnant naturally.
Acne and irregular periods are not enough to make a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS also causes excessive facial hair growth, male pattern balding, and weight gain. The only way to really be sure if you have PCOS is to go to a doctor, and then he or she will test your blood for any irregularities. There are many other things that could be causing irregular periods and acne alone.
If you do not ovulate, you may not have a regular period. This is common in conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) where ovulation may be irregular or absent. In such cases, a person may experience irregular, heavy, or light periods.
PCOS can make it more difficult for women to conceive due to hormonal imbalances affecting the menstrual cycle and ovulation. However, many women with PCOS are able to conceive with proper medical treatment such as fertility medications or assisted reproductive technologies. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance and treatment options.
Well, Metformin is actually a drug for diabetics..But is also prescibed for women that have PCOS..When you have PCOS, your ovaries basically shut down due to lack of insulin & a inbalance of hormones. Metformin helps to restore the insulin to get the ovaries pumping correctly--thus ovulation will occur..On that note, a woman is able to conceive because of proper ovaulation. I have PCOS & I just started taking it---my friend also took it & conceived after 3 months..Hopefully this info is helpful, and your reproductive system will respond & help you conceive...Good luck!
If you are looking for "gynecologist for pcos near me", book an appointment with Dr. Latika Singh Sinsinwar. Dr. Singh Sinsinwar has extensive knowledge and experience in treating patients with PCOS, providing personalized care and treatment plans based on each individual's needs. Her expertise in the field of gynecology and PCOS can help patients manage symptoms such as irregular periods, acne, weight gain, and infertility.
Women with PCOS can still concieve, but if you have tried with no luck, then its best to consult a fertility specialist or your gynecologist.