try earning better grades
You will fail and may get bad grades.
Depending. Bad if he/she talks trash or curse or inapropiate material. Good if calls for help.
I would say two weeks or until you bring your grades up. You can not get your permit taken away due to bad grades. It can be taken away by substance abouse and wreckless driving.
bad grades.
No he does not get good grades he gets bad grades!
You cannot ever "get rid" of it. It's always going to be in your chart, which is why you should always keep up with your schoolwork and do your best.The only way to pull up your grades is to work hard to make better grades so that your overall average improves. The bad grades will always be averaged in with whatever you make from now on, so you'll have to stay on top of your schooling to keep from slipping back down again.
Late homework should be punished by bad grades. The actual points should be up to the teacher.
Your son may not have to join the military, there are plenty of jobs that can be done, even if your son did not get very good grades.
You can avoid it by studying and listening to the teacher. You should also work hard.
Go to summerschool, and follow the teacher's directions. He/She may make up for those bad grades and change them to the grades you want.