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Depending. Bad if he/she talks trash or curse or inapropiate material. Good if calls for help.

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Q: Do you think teens talk on the phone get bad grades?
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Who talks on the phone longer to their friends?

i think men talk on the phone longer because they can make up bunches of stuff to talk about

Can you get better grades by after school talk to talk with your teacher?

The teacher can certainly guide you on how to improve your grades.

How do you communicate with teens?

Talk to them.

What are teens mostly scared to talk to their parents about?

Having been a teen myself and now the mother of teens, I'd say that most teenagers find it hard to talk to their parents about anything that might upset them or be the source of an argument. This could be anything from sex, dating, drugs, grades, music, religion, politics...the list goes on. I think it's very important for parents to let their children know that they can come to them to talk about anything and yet still feel safe and secure enough to trust that their parents won't stop loving them.

How do you male people think your phone is out of service?

Mail letters to talk?

Is Habbo bad kids?

Habbo is'nt for people who think they're bad! Its just teens who want to talk OK!

Why should a ten year have a phone?

i think they should not have a phone. I think every one should have a phone including kids so they can call there parent and talk if needed help in sticky situations

How do teens communicate with each other?

You can have teens talk to other young teens from around the world through the social media.

What percentage of teens have issues that they want to talk about?

About 70% or more teens have issues that they wanna talk about but just don't know how to bring them up or talk about them with friends parents and or school counselor.

Why teens need popularity?

Because sometimes when a group of teens have something in common they think of a popularity group with that exact group they talk to every day they seems a saying ,"When you have a popularity group you stay in that same group."

How do you talk to real phones with your hello kitty text machine?

You don't talk to Hello Kitty on the phone . She isn't real . (Think people)

Is it illegal to talk on cell phone while driving in State of Ohio?

I don't think so.