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its not very likely to experience frequent uriation that early as the egg would only be fertilized, id say its more like a kidney infectsion

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Q: If you have frequent urination a week before your period could you be pregnant?
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Is it possible to have tender breasts and frequent urination before a missed period if you are pregnant?

Yes maybe a few days before your missed period as the egg may have already implanted into the womb.

Can frequent urination also be a sign of your period?


Could you be pregnant if two weeks after sex you are peeing a lot and your stomach hurts?

It is possible. Frequent urination is a symptom of pregnancy. If your period is late, take a HPT.

Could cramping 4 weeks before period sore nipples and frequent urination mean pregnancy?

Those are all possible signs of pregnancy.

Am I most likely be pregnant some symptoms i have Breast Tenderness Fatigue Frequent Urination Nausea Dizziness Heartburn and or Constipation Food Cravings or Aversions to Foods but im cramping?

most likely you are those are symptoms also you can have your period or signs of your period even if your pregnant

Is peeing a lot normal after you have your period?

urinating is a common symptom after a period. After a period, your bladder is more stimulated which in turn can cause frequent urination.

What month of pregnancy could possible the pregnancy symptoms starts?

well pregnancy symptoms can start prior to period. 1week before your period symptoms may be seen. fatigue,nausea,frequent urination are the signs you can notice.

Can you please tell me about pregnancy symptoms?

Some signs and symptoms to look for if you believe you might be pregnant include * missed period, * nausea with or without vomiting, * tiredness, * dizziness, * breast changes and breast tenderness, and * frequent urination.

What does it mean when you have nausea frequent urination and breast tenderness?

These are pregnancy symptoms. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period. They can also be signs that your period is coming

One week pregnant and feeling nausea but no other symptoms is that normal?

Nausea and vomiting are very normal during the first week of pregnancy. Sore breasts/nipples, frequent urination, Dizzy, constipated. All early signs of being pregnant. Of course the ultimate clue you are pregnant is missed period.

What are the symptoms of being pregnant before your missed period?

-Implantation Bleeding (Spotting) -Delay or a Difference in Menstruation -Swollen and/or Tender Breasts -Fatigue/Tiredness -Nausea/Morning Sickness -Backaches -Headaches -Frequent Urination -Darkening of Areolas -Food Cravings These are the most common symptoms of pregnancy.

How can you find out are you pregnAnt?

Take a pregnancy test, no menstrual period, fatigue, sleepiness, breast changes, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination,fullness, aching in the abdominal area, mood swings or irritability. There are many things that can be symptoms/signs that your pregnant. But the best thing to do it take the pregnancy test!