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It's very, very possible, but not a guarantee. You might just be late. Take a home test or go see a doctor to be sure.

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Q: If you had unsafe sex and now your period is 5 days late does that necessarily mean that you are pregnant?
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Period came 9 days early and its never been early can you be pregnant?

Not necessarily

What are your unsafe days if the shortest period is 22 days and the longest is 28 not in pregnancy?

First off there is no such thing as a safe day. You can get pregnant at any time.

Last period was on May 22 afterthat you had unsafe sex on June 12 May you pregeant?

It is too soon to be pregnant from sex you had 3 days ago.

If my period last for two days and you still have cramps what does that mean are you pregnant?

No not necessarily. If you are on birth control it will affect the length of time you have your periods.

24 days pregnant and having a period?

if you have your period you are not pregnant

In 26th day of 32 days period it will pregnant or not?

its always the 14 days after your period. ( to get pregnant)

Can i get pregnant 2 days before period?

can i get pregnant 2 days before my period starts

How do you know if your pregnant if you have your period for 2-3 days?

If you have period you are not pregnant.

Can you get pregnant nine days after the period?

You can get pregnant at anytime, whether you are on your period or not

What day of your period can you get pregnant?

You can get pregnant at any time but you are more likely to get pregnant 14 days after your period

If you have had unpertected sex and you got your period 5 days ealry can you be pregnant?

If you get your period, you are not pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if you normally have a period for 7 days and you only had it for 3 days this time?

Yes, you can be pregnant, your period stops after pregnancy, if you recently had sex and your period stopped early you probably are pregnant.