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Yes, you can, provided the rest of what you eat is healthy and you don't eat too much junk food.

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Q: If you eat junk food but workout can you still lose weight?
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On a diet can you still eat junk food-while not exceeded the daily calorie allowance-and lose weight?

Yes, but .not a lot of junk food

What's a diet plan that's easy to stick to?

Cut out junk food. It is both easy to do, and cheap because junk food costs a lot more money than most healthy foods. Combine this with a workout plan and you will lose weight.

How can i control my weight properly?

For this answer you will need to talk to your doctor and dietician. You will also need to get on a regular workout routine. For tip, drop the junk food and pick up the fruits and vegetables.

Which foods are to gain weight?

Junk food

Is it bad to eat a strawberry shortcake after a workout?

Why work out and then put junk food into your body? You're defeating the whole purpose of the workout that way.

What is the negatives of junk food on your health?

Junk food can cause you to gain weight and gain body fat. You can have junk food in moderation, but too much is bad for your health.

Who will help you when you get addicted to junk food?

Weight Watchers.

How can you become fit but still eat junk food?

Exercise regularly and eat less junk food.

What can junk food do to us?

It can give you cavities and you gain weight

How can you have more weight?

Eat junk food and a lot of fat.

How Can you Loze Weight?

By not eating sweets and not eating junk food

Why junk food is a silent killer?

i think every junk food is a silent killer but it only cause weight gain and has no health benefit